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This is a list of merchants who are currently not affiliated with the Gene Grawe Fund nor are they able to accept the Five Back Visa debit card. It is a member-driven list that grows from your input.

JoAnn WittePresident, Gene Grawe Fund, Inc.

JoAnn says this is a list of merchants who are unable to accept the Gene Grawe Fund's Five Back Visa for one reason or another. Usually, it is because their credit card processor doesn't take the Five Back Visa and not because of any decision by the merchant. So whenever you speak with them, encourage them to participate in this great charity by having their own Gene Grawe Fund gift cards.

NOTE: A merchant's inclusion in this list is in no way a commentary on their products or services by the Gene Grawe Fund, Inc. This list is simply a guide to enhance our members' shopping and bill paying experiences.

"Families that participate in the Gene Grawe Fund waste less money on credit card interest!"


MLH Wellness Spa, Quincy
Their credit card processor doesn't accept the Five Back Visa. If you patronize this business you might encourage them to try a different payment processor when renewal time comes around. If you find that you can use a Gene Grawe Fund Visa at MLH Wellness Spa, please let us know and we'll move this company to the can accept list.



ZAGG.com is now back on our list of merchants who cannot accept a Gene Grawe Fund Visa.

ZAGG.com was originally on our list of merchants that could not accept the GGF Visa. Then we discovered that ZAGG.com could accept a Gene Grawe Fund Five Back Visa as long as it was REGISTERED first. However, we've recently (Jan 28, 2021) discovered that it's back to not accepting the Visa. I tried a half dozen registered Visas on three different browsers and none went through. Then I used one of my regular credit cards and it went through fine.

If you know of other merchants or websites that are unable to take the Five Back Visa, please let us know and we'll include them in this list.

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